Our main domains of activities
Entrepreneurship education and training in increase of the growth and start-ups, provision of support at crucial life-cycle stages of enterprises, activation and fostering of the entrepreneurial culture in Europe and Bulgaria aimed at formation of a new generation of entrepreneurs..
Challenges to informal learning for young people, youth employment and unemployment, access to information and services, civic activity, youth volunteering, healthy lifestyles and the social inclusion of young people..
Preventing Bulgaria's lag behind in the field of energy efficiency, environmental and system engineering; enhancing resource efficiency; widespread use of ICT in industry; setting economic priorities in innovation activities in order to create competitive advantages by developing and adapting the existing strengths; responding to new opportunities and market changes by focusing of investments in areas which increase the added value of the economy and its competitiveness in the international market..
A small bunch of what we have done
You can follow us further on the news section.